Change Your Mindset And You’ll Change Your Life
I’m sure we’ve all heard or even said at some point, “Just be positive!” Yes, being positive is great and all, but it goes so much deeper than that. If you really want to transform your life you must change the way you think, not just in specific moments, but consistently, no matter what challenges you face. A positive mindset is about shifting your perspective. Believing that no matter what life throws at you, you will bounce back and adapt. It’s believing in positive outcomes during difficult times, viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, appreciating the positive aspects of your life, and consciously replacing negative thoughts with uplifting, encouraging ones. When you have the knowledge of how your mind works, and you consistently practice self-care and self-awareness, you will learn that YOU have the power to create the life you desire. It all starts in your mind.
A Moment Of Truth That Inspired Change
I spent most of my life exhibiting a “Glass Half-Empty” way of thinking. I always looked at what was going wrong in my life or with myself instead of being grateful for the countless blessings I have always had.
Then, one evening, a very important person in my life gave me what you would call a ‘night swift kick in the ass.’
He explained to me how my negativity and attitude were bringing him down. My lack of self-love and self-worth were leaving him feeling dejected. Of course, this was not the first time I had heard things of this nature from others. But hearing this from someone who knows me so well, and who’s insights mean a great deal to me, it really resonated with me. So, I decided to stop and reflect on how my actions and words were not only hurting me, but also, the people I love.
It was after that moment, I realized I wanted differently for myself. I didn’t like the way I felt. I didn’t like the way I was making others feel. I had to change the negative thoughts I had on repeat. I had to step out of my victim mentality.
So where do you start? How do you change from a lifetime of negative thinking when it’s deeply ingrained in you?
The first step is to decide. Decide that you want to change. Decide that you want better for yourself. Make the decision and do not waver. You deserve to be happy and live your best life. Be who you were meant to be: THE BEST VERSION OF YOU.
Know Your Mind And How It Works
We all have only one mind, but that one mind consists of two distinct parts. They are the conscious mind and subconscious mind.
Conscious Mind
The conscious mind is also referred to as the objective and rational mind.
Your conscious mind is your reasoning mind. It deals with outward objects, it learns through experience, education, and observation. It gains knowledge through your five senses. It is responsible for your logical, deliberate thoughts that guide your day-to-day actions.
Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind is also known as the subjective mind and irrational mind. It is very powerful.
The subconscious mind is aware of it’s environment, but not through your physical senses. It perceives by intuition. It stores memories, emotions, and deeply ingrained beliefs. Your subconscious mind takes orders from your conscious mind.
The Astoundingly Powerful Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind is the powerhouse behind your everyday life. It is always active, even when you’re asleep.
It is responsible for 95% of your behaviors. Your breathing, heart rate, and other bodily functions, are controlled by the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind operates automatically, influencing your habits and reactions without you even realizing it. It internalizes your habits and routines making these actions effortless.
While all your decisions and habitual thoughts are made through your conscious mind, they then sink down into your subconscious mind, which doesn’t know the difference between good or bad, and true or false. Your subconscious mind then accepts those thoughts to be true, even if they are false, and brings them forth into you experiences.
So if you believe something, your subconscious creates conditions, experiences, and events in your life of that nature.
Therefore, if you continuously think negative, destructive thoughts, YOU will bring negative, destructive experiences into your life.
On the other hand, if your thoughts are peaceful, harmonious, and constructive, those conditions will be created through your subconscious mind.
Vibrations and Frequency
A vibration is a repetitive motion, and frequency refers to how often that motion occurs. While we can’t see it with the naked eye, everything is made of energy, constantly vibrating.
Even our thoughts and emotions produce measurable energy fields. Each person and thought carries their own vibrational signature.
Frequencies are the measurable vibrations of energy that flow through and around you. Even the natural world vibrates at its own harmonious frequency.
High-frequency vibrations are those associated with emotions like love, joy, gratitude, and inspiration.
Low-frequency vibrations are ones linked to emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, and doubt.
The Law Of Attraction
The Law of Attraction, in short, is the idea that “like attracts like.”
With that being said, when your vibration aligns with the energy of what you desire, you’re more likely to attract it into your life.
Elevating your vibration allows you to align with the natural flow of the universe, attracting experiences that resonate with your highest self.
Start paying attention to the energy you are putting out and the things happening around you. When you become aware of your vibrational state, the more you’ll notice how interconnected you are with everything around you.
How The Subconscious Mind And Frequency Work Together
Your subconscious mind tunes into similar frequencies of your current state, and pulls experiences of that same frequency into your life.
When you repeatedly think or feel something it becomes embedded in your subconscious. Over time, it dictates your baseline frequency, which then affects your mood, choices, and outcomes.
So if you consistently focus on uplifting emotions, your subconscious adapts a high-vibrational default state.
Once you start aligning your subconscious with higher frequencies, your subconscious adapts new, empowering beliefs. In turn, those new beliefs elevate your frequency, attracting uplifting experiences into your life.
How Can You Raise Your Vibration And Align Your Energy With A Higher Frequency?
Find things that bring you joy and make you feel good. It can be anything such as hobbies and physical activities, to something as simple as spending time with people you love.
Just make sure the people you surround yourself with uplift and inspire you.
The natural world vibrates at its own harmonious frequency. So spending time in nature and outside can help raise your vibration. Things such as walking in the park or going for a jog, listening to the ocean and feeling the sun on your skin, gardening, bike rides, and playing sports, are just some options to help align your energy.
My three boys are the light of my life. They bring me so much joy. And the love they give to me and others is so immense. Feeling the love they have in their hearts, watching them play together, hearing them laugh, seeing the joy radiate from their tiny bodies in their happiest moments, and just knowing how extraordinary the really are, is just enough to put a smile on my face and raise my vibration.
Listening to music can be another great way to achieve those feel good vibes.
Sounds and uplifting music can realign your energy. So if you need a little boost, just listen to your favorite songs. You can even throw a little dancing into the mix if you really want to shift your frequency.
Every morning, while I get ready, I listen to music, audible books, or podcasts. They always lift my spirits as I’m preparing to start my day.
I highly recommend the book “You Are A Badass” by Jen Sincero. You can even listen to it through the Audible app which is what I did. This book left me feeling better about myself every time I listened to it. It encouraged me to make positive changes in my life and pursue my dreams. It is definitely on top of my list for books that changed my life.
The Gift Of Gratitude
Gratitude is the quickest, easiest, most powerful way to raise your vibration. Gratitude can transform any situation.
When you focus on what you’re thankful for it elevates your energy and helps you see your world through a lens of abundance. When you give thanks for even the small things you will notice more things to be thankful for showing up in your life.
As we know, what we focus on expands. Therefore, when you focus on the good things in your life, you create more of it.
I make a habit of saying “thank you” for even the small things.
If you find a good parking spot, or something you really want is on sale, say “thank you” in your head. I try to do this for any little thing, and when I do, I find more things pop up for me to be thankful for.
It may sound silly, but I promise it works.
The more grateful you become, the more you have to be grateful for!
Meditation is a practice that has been around for thousands of years.
Research shows meditating can positively affect your brain, mental health, and overall well-being.
Practicing meditation quiets the mind, allowing you to tune into your inner frequency. It can help you manage stress, improve your quality of sleep, become more self-aware, help you be more patient, calm, and at peace.
Meditation is a consistent part of my morning routine.
You can do a guided meditation or just sit in silence and focus on your breathing. Whatever form of meditation you decide on, even only a few minutes a day to start, is better than none at all, and will result in real benefits.
Meditation can be done anywhere at any time. If you are a beginner it is best to meditate in a quiet place to limit distractions and noise.
You can download an app to help if you’re new to meditation. When I started over a year ago, I downloaded the Aura app. It has so many different types of meditation and life coaches. I still use it on a daily basis for meditation or listening to life coaches and podcasts.
If you prefer not to use a guided meditation you can just sit in silence. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. If a thought comes to your mind just let it pass and refocus on your breathing. It really is that simple. It is normal for thoughts to pass, but the idea is just that, let them pass, and then focus on your breathing again. Over time, it will become easier to not have thoughts and just be in peace.
Practicing meditation daily helps regulate overwhelming emotions and is the key to finding peace amidst the chaos of everyday life. With meditation you will learn to handle challenges with grace, instead of reacting impulsively.
High-Vibrational Foods
As we know, everything on Earth has a vibrational frequency. That includes the foods we consume on a daily basis.
Foods that have the highest vibration are foods that come from nature and grow in the sun.
High- vibrational foods consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, cold pressed oils such as olive oil, and grass-finished and humanely raised animal proteins.
Anything in its organic state will have the highest vibration.
Lower- vibrational foods include processed foods, packaged and fried foods, sugar and alcohol. Fast food, foods with added flavors and coloring, and hydrogenated oils are all on the low vibration list .
Whether you believe food actually has a frequency or not, I can tell you from my own personal experience, it most certainly does.
I am not perfect by any means, and I like to indulge, or over indulge at times, and when I do, my vibration definitely takes a hit. My energy is low and my mood is on the lower vibrational side. In the past, that was my normal state of being most of the time, but now, I hate feeling that way. I know when I feel that way the first thing I need to change is the food I’m putting in my body.
When I consume healthier or high-vibrational foods I feel my best. I never realized the impact food had on my body or mental health until I started being mindful of what I was eating and how I felt afterward.
Food is fuel for our body, and we want to make sure we’re filling it with high-vibrational foods in order to reach optimal performance.
Please don’t forget the importance of hydration. Making sure you are drinking enough water is another key element to feeling good.
There are a number of benefits to drinking water. Keeping hydrated with water is great for your body, skin, and mind.
Did you know, water makes up about 60% of your body? Water supports the function of your cells and organs, supports brain function, boosts alertness, and has a plethora of other benefits.
The amount of water you need each day differs for each individual. It is advised to drink six to eight glasses a day, but you could also be getting your water through other sources, such as certain fruits and vegetables or drinks.
I like to put lemon in my water whenever it’s available. It adds flavor, and you also get the nutritional benefits of the lemon. If you’re not a fan of lemon you can add cucumber, or any fruits you prefer.
There are also specific benefits to drinking water at certain times throughout the day. I personally carry a water bottle with me wherever I go. This way I am staying hydrated all day. I definitely have days in which I am so busy I don’t drink enough water, or I lost lots of water through sweating while working out (and it certainly doesn’t take much to make me sweat). When I don’t drink enough water or replenish the water I perspired, my energy and mood are on the low side, I will get headaches, and I get brain fog at times.
So while it’s important to fuel your body with nutritional foods, it’s just as necessary, or even more so, to keep hydrated with water in order to maintain a higher vibration.
The Power Of Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are short statements or phrases you can say to improve your mood and help you shift your mindset.
Positive affirmations will eventually help you create a positive frame of mind. They will help you disrupt negative thinking habits and help you focus on more positive, encouraging thoughts.
While positive affirmations don’t work overnight, consistently repeating positive affirmations imprints high- vibrational beliefs onto your subconscious. It will reshape how you think and feel about yourself.
Saying positive affirmations in the morning, throughout your day, and before bed will help to minimize your negative thoughts and help you see yourself in a more positive light.
If you have an area in your life you’re struggling with, or you struggle with self-worth, creating positive affirmations can help you overcome your fears and doubts and start believing in yourself.
Find affirmations that resonate with you, and then say them with emotion, really feel it as if it’s true. When you feel them and feel good, it amplifies the impact.
You can say affirmations aloud, in your head, or you can even write them down. When I first started using affirmations I would not only say them, but I had them written on little post-it notes I stuck to my mirror.
Always say affirmations in the present, as if it’s already true. There are millions of affirmations out there, you can choose as many as you’d like.
Don’t Criticize, Don’t Complain, Always Look For The Good, And Always Be Kind.
When we criticize others and we complain we are expelling negative, low-vibrational energy. And that my friends, is not the goal here.
We can easily find hundreds of reasons to criticize others and complain. But why? Do you like to be criticized? I don’t think anybody does.
No two people on this Earth are exactly alike. Therefore, we are always going to have different opinions and views. We may live our life one way, while others live theirs in a way we just can’t even fathom. That is just how they choose to live their life. After all, it is their life, and it is their choice. Just as your way of living your life is also your choice.
We all deal with difficult people on a daily basis. It can be a challenge to work with or be around, or have an encounter with those individuals. I try to remember that I don’t know their life situation or what’s going on in their head.
When others are unkind it may come from their own struggles. When we are having overwhelming feelings, or having trouble navigating challenges, we tend to project that onto others. So responding with a little compassion and kindness can help shift the dynamic.
Most of the time, we aren’t aware of someone’s troubled or painful past. Our family and all our life experiences shape who we become. We can’t possibly know the suffering that they experienced as a child or throughout their life. We don’t know the battle they may be fighting in their head. So have a little empathy and less judgement, and always choose to be kind.
It is very easy to complain about all the things going wrong in your life or with your day. But what about all the things going right?
I’m sure you have at least one good thing in your life right now. Just focus on that! Remember, we attract more of what we focus on, so when you focus on the good, you attract more good. Similarly, if you focus on lack, and all the negative aspects of your life, you will experience more of that in your life.
I fall short sometimes and have to remind myself to not complain and to be grateful. I have so much to be grateful for. And so do you! Just look around you and see the abundance you have in your life. You may not have all you want right now, but you have all you need. And that, is undoubtedly, something to be grateful for.
When you’re feeling down because things aren’t happening how you expected, pause, and look at all the beauty and good in your life.
Seeing the good doesn’t mean ignoring the pain or challenges; it means finding the lessons, the strength, and the unexpected blessings hidden within them.
It isn’t always easy to see the good in situations that seem unfair or overwhelming. However, there’s always a silver lining if we choose to look for it. There is always something good that can come from even the most disappointing moments. It’s just about shifting your perspective and trusting that things will work out for the best.
Why do we waste so much time and energy on things we can’t change?
We can’t change the weather, why stress about the weather? We can’t clear the traffic, so why do we get so aggravated over getting stuck in traffic? We can’t control peoples actions, so we shouldn’t get so upset over them, right? I know, it’s easier said than done.
We have no control over these things and a slew of other things in our life. So getting upset and stressing over these things just releases negative energy and lowers your vibration. When you get all worked up and angry you are just opening the door for more of those feelings to enter into your experience.
If you can’t change something, let it go! You can only control your actions and your reactions. Make feeling good, no matter what is happening around you, your top priority.
Remember, true happiness does not come from a person, place, or a thing. It comes from within.
If you depend on other people and material things to make you happy, what happens when they’re no longer in your life, and the novelty of these items wear off? You’re no longer happy. Maybe you look for a new person or more things to make you happy again. And the cycle just continues over and over.
Happiness that does not come from within is only temporary. If you make the choice to be grateful and see the abundance that surrounds you, and always look for the good, even in unfavorable circumstances, you will find true happiness.
While it is impossible to be happy all the time, you need to be aware of the energy you’re releasing in certain situations. Once you notice your energy is not aligned with your desired frequency, you can then refocus, and shift your energy to match that of your highest self.
I have definitely had more than a few setbacks on my journey. I have had plenty of opportunities to show up as my best self. Instead, old habits kick in and take over. Or I’m not feeling great, and my vibrational frequency is on the low side, leading me to react in an undesirable manner. After all was said and done, I would then reflect on the situation, and how I could have responded differently. I then ask myself, “What lesson can I learn from this?” ” What can I do differently next time I encounter a similar situation?” I use it as a learning moment and ensure I do better next time. Every setback has been an opportunity to grow and become stronger.
Changing your mindset and transforming your life is not something that happens overnight. It takes a lot of work and consistency to change old habits. It’s about making small steps every day. And no matter how many times you get off track, you can always get right back on.
While I am not yet where I want to be, or who I want to be, I am a lot closer than I was. I am getting better every day.
Look at any progress you make and be proud. And show yourself a little grace, you will get there.
Instead of asking yourself, “Why is this happening to me?” Ask yourself, “Why is this happening FOR me?”
Learn to let things go and focus on the what you can control, and all the good things in your life. No matter what is going on around you, always stay positive and grateful.
And no matter what, keep moving forward! You can’t drive while looking in the rearview mirror. The past is just that, the past. Every day is a day to start fresh. Leave the past behind, but learn and grow so the past doesn’t repeat itself.
Always stay positive, and know the universe has your back. Feel good vibes, and you will live a high vibe life.
So today, choose to be kind, to yourself and to others. In doing so, you’ll not only brighten your world, but you’ll discover the incredible beauty and potential that exist within.